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Chief Supply Chain Officer Executive Summit to Be Held

Call for speakers issued.

Call for speakers issued.

By DE Editors

Connexion Events (Dublin, NH), a division of Helmers Publishing, Inc.,has announced the Chief Supply Chain Officer Executive Summit and hasissued a call for interested parties to submit abstracts for speakingopportunities at this executive-level event.

According to Connexion Events, the Chief Supply Chain Officer ExecutiveSummit is the only high-level conference that provides insights forChief Supply Chain Officers, CXOs, vice presidents of supply chain,vice presidents of logistics, and other executives at mid-size andlarge companies. Knowledge gained and connections made at the ChiefSupply Chain Officer Executive Summit will help these executivesidentify, make informed decisions about, and implement thecross-functional strategies that will let them meet their company’sbusiness goals.

“We are committed to creating an environment that will encouragecross-industry pollination among this important group of seniorexecutives charged with steering their company’s supply chainstrategies in order to remain competitive in today’s increasinglycomplex business climate”, said Cathy Walters, managing director ofConnexion Events.

A careful balance of end-user and vendor attendees will be invited toenable serious collaboration and solution finding to occur. A “TechTransfer” zone will enable vendors to showcase their technologies in aroll-up-your-sleeves approach to partnering for success.

Chief Supply Chain Officer and Supply Chain Manufacturing andLogistics magazines will co-sponsor this important new Summit to fill aneed in the marketplace for face-to-face communication among thereaders of our print and online publications and we are eager to workwith colleagues on the development of this program,” said Dave Andrews,publisher and editorial director at Helmers Publishing Inc.

Chief Supply Chain Officer and Supply Chain Manufacturingand Logistics magazine are business units of Helmers Publishing,which is also the parent company of Desktop Engineering magazine. Helmers Publishing has been a publisher of high-tech magazines since 1979.

The Chief Supply Chain Officer Executive Summit will be held on April12 and 13, 2006 at the Renaissance Vinoy Resort and Golf Club in SaintPetersburg, Florida. The Call for Speakers opens today, November 16,with a deadline of December 1, 2005.  The Call for Speakersregistration form can be found by clicking here.

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