Bricsys Releases Bricscad V11 for Linux

Brings Linux features in line with Windows features.

Brings Linux features in line with Windows features.

By DE Editors

Bricsys has announced the release of Bricscad Classic V11 for Linux. The new version for the Linux platform is the equivalent of Bricscad Classic V11 for Windows, released on October 18.

This first upgrade version for the Linux platform supports new features such as dynamic input and dynamic dimensions (insertion of dynamic blocks and modification through the properties bar), midpoint snap, parallel snap and a 10 times performance boost for layout switching, according to the company.

A couple of problems due to different implementation for the Linux platform are also solved: PDF export, autosave and for GTK users: set focus on command line. In Bricscad Classic V11 for Linux, 60 support requests sent in by users are solved and implemented.

Bricsys has also started to port its BRX API to Linux. This API, available for the Windows platform since two years, is used now by more than 500 application developers to port their AutoCAD based applications to Bricscad. They will have soon access to the Linux platform for selling their existing application, according to the company.

For more information,  visit Bricsys.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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