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Arena Solutions Supports IoT Product Capabilities

The company says more than 100 customers are using its PLM platform to create IoT products.

Arena Solutions, a provider of cloud-based PLM (product lifecycle management) applications, has highlighted that more than 100 customers are already using Arena PLM for incorporating Internet of Things (IoT) capabilities into products.

For products, companies must collaborate closely, create a single version of a product design, easily communicate and visually analyze key performance indicators.

Some current companies using Arena PLM for IoT are i4c Innovations and Totus Solutions.

According to the company, i4c Innovations is improving product cycle time by up to 25%; speeding engineering change order cycle time by more than 75%; reducing scrap rework by up to 50%; and increasing supply chain collaboration.

Totus Solutions, a provider of security lighting systems, is using Arena to accelerate engineering change order by up to 100%; cut scrap and rework in half; and increase supply chain collaboration.

“The Internet of Things represents a tectonic shift for new product possibilities in nascent and moribund enterprises alike.  Those who do not draft this movement’s momentum and investigate how PLM can greatly enhance their ability to release high-quality products faster in this newfound and more complex world do so at their own peril,” said Kent Killmer, vice president of Marketing at Arena. “With Arena’s cloud-based PLM, organizations can incorporate IoT into their products, reducing cost, improving quality and collapsing time to market.”

For more information, visit Arena.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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