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Aras, IHS Partner on Cloud-based Component Engineering

IHS CAPS Universe electronic component data to be integrated directly into the Aras PLM platform.

IHS CAPS Universe electronic component data to be integrated directly into the Aras PLM platform.

By DE Editors

Aras  announced a partnership with IHS to connect the IHS cloud-based CAPS Universe Electronic Component Data into the Aras PLM platform for component engineering of new products and systems. According to the company, the new component engineering capabilities will enable global companies to find the right parts, compare electronic component details, part availability, environmental compliance, end-of-life obsolescence and more from within the PLM environment.

IHS CAPS Universe is an electronic component database containing part attribute data and documentation on hundreds of millions of parts from more than 2,000 manufacturers worldwide. Aras users will be able to access the IHS CAPS Universe data from within Aras Innovator.

“As new products and systems include more and more electronics, having the component information needed for new designs integrated directly into the PLM workflow in Aras speeds innovation, improves productivity and assures compliance,” said Bob Braasch, Sr., director of parts management at IHS.

“Partnering with IHS enables us to embed interactive component data and analytics inside PLM for better design decisions,” said Peter Schroer,  president of Aras. “Automatic product change notices, counterfeit alerts, end-of-life forecasts and other proactive notifications will help our enterprise customers reduce risk and improve component lifecycle planning as well.”
For more information, visit Aras and IHS.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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