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Alta Via Consulting Joins Siemens PLM Software Partner Program

The company will help support manufacturing operations management.

Alta Via Consulting has joined the Siemens PLM Software Consulting and System Integrator Partner Program to support the manufacturing operations management (MOM) space.

This agreement will help Alta Via provide its customers new insights into operations.  Alta Via will now be able to connect and integrate critical manufacturing drivers and results to financial information providing new profitability and decision support insights, a company press release states.

“Our customers want technology that has an open data model that will support them in the future. We have been looking for a MOM partner with advanced capabilities and a significant edge over competitors which Siemens provides our clients. We are excited to work with Siemens to provide industry-leading PLM technology to our customers,” says Anton van der Merwe, partner at Alta Via.

“Siemens PLM Software is committed to creating partnerships to help enhance the end-user experience of our customers,” said Andrea Molinari, MOM alliances business development, Siemens PLM Software.

For more information, visit Alta Via Consulting.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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