Engineer Laps Boston Marathon in Custom 3D Printed Flip Flops
Wiivv uses 3D Systems’ Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) S Pro 60s printers and has pioneered a process to convert the 2D scan file of a customer’s foot to a 3D model prepped for 3D printing output.
article/engineer-laps-boston-marathon-in-custom-3d-printed-flip-flopsTulip Factory Kit Seeds Quick-Start Manufacturing Apps
While the Tulip Manufacturing App platform and Factory Kit are specifically aimed at production floor personnel, they will also have impact on design engineers, helping to create a better feedback loop between what’s traditionally been siloed groups and processes.
article/tulip-factory-kit-seeds-quick-start-manufacturing-appsMetal Additive Manufacturing Gains Significant Ground
According to a the Wohlers Report 2018, released recently by the 3D printing market research consultancy Wohlers Associates, an estimated 1,768 metal AM printers were sold in 2017 compared to 983 systems in 2016.
article/metal-additive-manufacturing-gains-significant-groundVitamix Juices AM to Mix Up New 3D Printed Nozzle Design from Carbon
Partnering on Design for Additive Manufacturing
3D design software vendors and 3D printer manufacturers are teaming up to introduce capabilities and create seamless workflows to promote DfAM early.
article/partnering-design-additive-manufacturingZamboni Skates Towards IoT-Enabled Product-as-a-Service
Zamboni is taking the first steps to offer its famous ice resurfacer as a product-as-a-service, leveraging Internet of Things (IoT) sensor technology, big data, and a mobile app to help its customers minimize downtime and optimize performance.
article/zamboni-skates-towards-iot-enabled-product-serviceCreo 5.0 Merges Advanced Capabilities In One Design Bucket
The PTC Creo 5.0 upgrade is intended to streamline what’s often a disjointed design process, allowing users to go from concept to manufacturing in a single design environment.
article/creo-5-0-merges-advanced-capabilities-one-design-bucketPLM Still Struggles To Break Out of Engineering Ranks
Despite years of positioning and decades worth of new functionality, product lifecycle management (PLM) remains grounded in the engineering department, still struggling to take flight as an enterprise hub for managing the complete product lifecycle.
article/plm-still-struggles-break-engineering-ranksMass Customization’s Data Challenge
3D printing has evolved to make mass customization a reality, but capturing and integrating the relevant data to drive designs still requires some heavy lifting.
article/mass-customizations-data-challengeUnlimited Tomorrow Redesigns the Prosthetic Arm
Unlimited Tomorrow is collaborating with 3D printing giant Stratasys and 3D software provider Dassault Systemes to create low-cost, highly functional prosthetic arms for those who need them most.
article/unlimited-tomorrow-redesigns-the-prosthetic-armPatent Aims to Counter Motion Sickness in Self-Driving Cars
The system provides light stimuli in the visual periphery of the passenger to mimic what the rider might see outside, thus eliminating the conflict between vestibular and visual inputs, which is the primary cause of motion sickness in a moving vehicle.
article/patent-aims-counter-motion-sickness-self-driving-carsSiemens Bolsters its System Simulation Story
Siemens is upgrading the capabilities of its Amesim system simulation platform while making the technology more accessible as part of an effort to promote a systems-driven approach to product development in light of increasing product complexity.
article/siemens-bolsters-system-simulation-storyPLM Gets a Collaboration Makeover
Vendors are revamping platforms with new technologies aimed at democratizing engagement and facilitating collaborative workflows.
article/plm-gets-collaboration-makeoverThe Partnership Seeking to Jumpstart Microelectronics Innovation
DARPA’s $200 million JUMP program aims to create a leap forward in U.S. electronics innovation.
article/the-partnership-seeking-to-jump-start-microelectronics-innovationMcity Model IDs Connected Car Security Risks
To help engineers and developers address connected car security threats, the Mcity Threat Identification Model creates a framework that evaluates threats.