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zSpace Partners With Siemens PLM

Provides Teamcenter users with immersive desktop 3D experience.

Provides Teamcenter users with immersive desktop 3D experience.

zSpace announced a new zSpace interface for Siemens PLM Software’s Teamcenter portfolio. The new zSpace interface will deliver enhanced, immersive 3D visualization capabilities that will enable Teamcenter users to review 3D design components in six degrees of freedom and use the platform’s head tracking capabilities to provide advanced analysis of craftsmanship and ergonomics, the company says.

Teamcenter users can leverage zSpace, a 3D virtual holographic platform, to achieve a higher level of realism and interactive collaboration throughout the product manufacturing process directly from their desktop. zSpace is a member of the Siemens PLM Software Solution Partner Program.

“The global manufacturing environment has created a tremendous need for streamlined collaboration,” said Rohit Tangri, global head, Teamcenter product management and marketing. “Traditionally, the immersive experience has taken place in a physically shared environment, but the collaborative nature of the zSpace platform allows us to offer our customers a shared immersive experience right from their desk.”

For more information, visit zSpace.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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