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Yunique Solutions Releases PowerGrid

PLM extension can accelerate data entry and editing.

PLM extension can accelerate data entry and editing.

Yunique Solutions, a Gerber Technology division that offers YuniquePLM product lifecycle management software, released its new PowerGrid extension. PowerGrid is a grid-based interface that enables users to enter, edit and copy data en masse and perform real-time data analysis within a spreadsheet-like view. It expedites the editing process, simplifies historical comparisons and facilitates analysis of multiple costing scenarios, the company says.

The extension reads master data from YuniquePLM and eliminates redundant data entry. Users can filter, search and sort data, freeze, hide and move columns and rows for more effective data management and visibility. In addition, the ability to grant role-based permissions at the field level enables organizations to better manage data integrity and process workflows.

For more information, visit Yunique Solutions.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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