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Yunique Design Suite Released with PLM Plug-ins for Adobe

Modify files in YuniquePLM without leaving Illustrator.

Modify files in YuniquePLM without leaving Illustrator.

Yunique Solutions launched Yunique Design Suite (DS). The new suite offers enhanced plug-ins for Adobe Illustrator, enabling designers to create and modify colors, palettes, photos, sketches, artwork, trims, images and styles in YuniquePLM without ever leaving Adobe Illustrator. This integration reduces cycle time and fosters the adoption of YuniquePLM by both design and development teams. Yunique DS works seamlessly with YuniquePLM version 5.0.

“The launch of Yunique DS marks an exciting benchmark for efficient product development in the creative industry of fashion,” said Darioush Nikpour, vice president of product management for Gerber’s Yunique Solutions business. “The seamless sharing of images and content between YuniquePLM and Adobe Illustrator gives the creative arena the freedom and speed to work within their design system of choice ” Adobe Illustrator ” on Mac or PC. YuniquePLM is automatically updated so design and production teams have real-time visibility into the entire line across multiple brands.”

For more information, visit Yunique Solutions.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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