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Webinars Popular in GlobalSpec’s Engineering Trends Survey

Industrial professionals spend more time online for action offline.

Industrial professionals spend more time online for action offline.

By DE Editors

Engineering, technical, and industrial professionals increasingly rely on the Internet to do their jobs, according to results of GlobalSpec‘s (Troy, NY) sixth Annual Engineering Trends Survey.

Thirty-one percent of the engineers, technical buyers, scientific professionals and other industrial community members who responded to the survey indicated that they spend more than eight hours per week online for work-related purposes in 2007, up 8 percent from 2006.

Results showed 90 percent of respondents have used the Internet to find components and suppliers, and 85 percent go online to obtain product specifications. The top three search engines are Google, GlobalSpec, and Yahoo!.

Eighty-five percent of respondents stated that they have contacted a supplier after visiting a website, and 49 percent ordered samples. Plus, this audience takes action as a result of seeing an online advertisement: 81 percent have visited the advertiser’s website and 59 percent have e-mailed the advertiser.

Whereas blogs, discussion groups/online forums, networking sites, podcasts/audiocasts, and Wikis did not show the same online activity for this group, there was one exception: 23 percent of respondents used Webcasts/Webinars for work-related purposes.

For additional findings from the GlobalSpec survey, go to results at Sixth Annual Engineering Trends Survey.


Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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