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Two PLM Events Again Will Co-Locate in 2018

CIMdata's PLM Road Map North America 2018 and PDT North America 2018, both PLM events, will co-locate in the Washington D.C. area on May 15-17, 2018.

CIMdata and Eurostep announce the co-location of PLM Road Map North America 2018 and PDT North America 2018. The two events will be held in conjunction with each other at the Marriott Hotel in Tysons Corner, VA. Participants can attend one of the events or both with a discount. PLM Road Map North America takes place on May 15-16, and PDT North America is slated for May 17.

“With the successful co-location of PDT Europe and PLM Road Map over the past two years we decided to go with the same concept in 2018, this time venturing in to the North American market of the first time,” says Mr. Håkan Kårdén, CEO, Eurostep Group.

In addition to the North American events, CIMdata and Eurostep will collaborate to co-host PLM Road Map Europe and PDT Europe in Stuttgart, Germany, in October 2018.

For information, visit CIMdata and Eurostep.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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