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Trelis 15.1 Released

The release includes updated meshing algorithms, a software development kit and new application programming interface.

csimsoft has released Trelis 15.1, the company’s meshing software. Version 15.1 includes the Trelis software development kit (SDK), an export application programming interface (API) and integrated technology from MeshGems.

Updated meshing capabilities include triangle and tetrahedral meshing, Column Swap Node and Column Collapse commands. Users also have the option to suppress the mesh warning dialog and can access automatic sizing and scheming.

Additional overall features include syncing capabilities with the APREPRO library, a new interface for CubitBCVizInterface and a Smart Move constraint that eliminates distortion of tet10 elements. Core meshing and sizing algorithms have also been updated.

“csimsoft made the decision to integrate MeshGems Pre-CAD, CADSurf, and Tetra into Trelis 15.1 and could not be more pleased with that choice. The combination of all three of these components provides our users with the best possible triangle and tetrahedral meshing solution,” said Randy Morris, managing director. “The components are robust and are able to generate very high quality meshes across our large test suite of models.”

For more information, visit csimsoft.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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