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ThomasNet Direct Insert Driver for NX Available

Provides NX users with seamless access to models from WebCAD clients.

Provides NX users with seamless access to models from WebCAD clients.

Thomas Industrial Network announced the availability of a Direct Insert Driver for NX software, Siemens PLM Software’s fully integrated computer-aided design, manufacturing and engineering analysis (CAD/CAM/CAE) solution. The tool provides NX users with access to models from Thomas’ 2D/3D WebCAD clients, and directly inserts 3D CAD data and related information into NX.

ThomasNet’s 2D/3D WebCAD Publishing Technology, based on the company’s Navigator Platform, enables part/component suppliers to publish detailed product information in a file format that is compatible with all major CAD systems. Design engineers find parts and products online to specify into their designs and download models and drawings directly.

Models include front-to-back, top-to-bottom and side-to-side views, complete with dimensional information. The models and drawings also include the full bill of materials for use by purchasing departments.

For more information, visit Thomas Industrial Network.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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