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Systat Software Releases SigmaPlot Version 12

Scientific graphing and statistical analysis software has improved user interface, and new features.

Scientific graphing and statistical analysis software has improved user interface, and new features.

By DE Editors

Systat Software, Inc. has released SigmaPlot 12, the latest version of its scientific data analysis and graphing software package. SigmaPlot 12 provides users with an enriched user interface and new features to analyze data and create publication-quality graphs.

“More than 300,000 scientists and engineers have used SigmaPlot worldwide. It has long been the industry standard for graphing and analyzing data in the scientific and engineering community because it plays a key role in enabling researchers to visually communicate important research results,” says Richard Mitchell, Ph.D., senior scientist at Systat Software, Inc. “The new SigmaPlot has an enriched user interface with ribbon styles and context sensitive feature grouping for enhanced functionality and ease of use.”

The latest version contains workflow efficiency improvements,  new enhancements to SigmaPlot’s curve fitting features and a wider range of graphing options, including radar and dot density graphs. Every

A free, fully functional demo version is available for download from the SigmaPlot website.

Sources:  Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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