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StressCheck Available Through Altair’s HyperWorks Partner Alliance

Customers can access FEA tool through HyperWorks licensing model.

Customers can access FEA tool through HyperWorks licensing model.

By DE Editors

Altair Engineering announced the release of StressCheck by Engineering Software Research & Development in the HyperWorks Partner Alliance. StressCheck complements Altairs finite element analysis (FEA) solver, RADIOSS, supporting detailed structural and strength analyses including multi-body contact and computation of fracture mechanics parameters for metallic and composite parts.

StressCheck is a Windows-based FEA tool with pre- and post-processor,  and includes a suite of analysis modules supporting advanced solutions in elasticity and heat transfer. Utility modules and special application modules offer functionality for additional analysis,  including import CAD modules and 2D/3D automatic meshing.

HyperWorks customers can access StressCheck through the HWPA, a suite of third-party partner applications that can be accessed with the same units used to invoke Altair HyperWorks software.

For more information, visit Altair and Engineering Software Research & Development.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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