Stratasys Makes Four More Materials Compatible with the Fortus 900mc

Additional materials support growth of direct digital manufacturing.

Additional materials support growth of direct digital manufacturing.

By DE Editors

Stratasys Makes Four More Materials Compatible with the Fortus 900mc

Stratasys has made four more build materials and one more support material compatible with its Fortus 900mc 3D Production System. The materials include ULTEM 9085, PC-ABS, PC-ISO, and ABS-M30i.

These options more than double the number of materials compatible with the Fortus 900mc, and they provide an array of mechanical properties to chose from, such as FST (flame, smoke, toxicity) compliance, heat resistance,  medical-sterilization capability, strength, and flexibility for prototyping and production. Stratasys materials previously compatible with the 900mc are ABS-M30, PC, and PPSF / PPSU (polyphenylsulfone).

SABIC’s ULTEM 9085 is a thermoplastic widely used in aircraft interiors and other transportation applications. The material is heat resistant to 320° F (160° C)  and has full flame, smoke and toxicity (FST) compliance including OSU heat release of less than 55 kw min./sq. meter for heat release and 55 kw min./sq. meter for peak heat release (55/55). It offers a high strength-to-weight ratio and flexibility, making it an ideal material for applications requiring advanced mechanical properties.

PC-ABS is one of the most widely used industrial thermoplastic blends and is commonly used in automotive, electronics, and telecommunications applications. The material provides customers with the same strength and heat-resistance characteristics as previously available Stratasys PC material but has increased flexibility.

The addition of PC-ISO provides users with a tough polycarbonate material that can be sterilized for medical device or surgical jig and fixture production or prototyping. It is also useful in food and pharmaceutical handling applications. The material is ideal for applications requiring ISO 10993 certification or ethylene oxide (EtO) sterilization. It also has high impact and flexural strength, and can handle high temperatures.

Like PC-ISO, ABS-M30i is a biocompatible material suited for direct digital manufacturing applications in the medical, food, and pharmaceutical equipment industries with ISO 10993 or ethylene oxide (EtO) sterilization requirements. ABS-M30i offers substantial improvements over standard Stratasys ABS, including tensile strength, impact strength, and flexural strength. ABS-M30i is up to 67 percent stronger than Stratasys’ previous ABS formulation. Bonding strength between layers is more than doubled, greatly expanding capabilities for functional testing or production parts.

Like other additive fabrication methods, the Stratasys FDM process requires a disposable material to support features such as overhangs. Soluble supports automate the support removal process because they are dissolved rather than manually removed. Compared with its predecessor, the optional SR-30 soluble support material delivers up to a 69 percent reduction in dissolve time in an agitation tank, and up to a 46 percent dissolve time reduction in an ultrasonic tank, according to the company.

For more information, visit Stratasys, Inc.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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