Stratasys Announces Eighth Annual Extreme Redesign Challenge by Dimension 3D Printing

Students worldwide to be awarded scholarships for innovative designs in 3D printing contest.

Students worldwide to be awarded scholarships for innovative designs in 3D printing contest.

By DE Editors

Stratasys Inc. has announced the launch of its Dimension 3D Printing brand’s eighth annual Extreme Redesign 3D Printing Challenge. The global contest encourages students to submit an innovative new product design, a redesign of an existing product, or an original or redesigned work of art or architecture.

“Students have the opportunity to put their critical thinking skills to the test, as well as to demonstrate their creativity with this design contest,” says Jesse Roitenberg, Stratasys education channel manager. “Each year they demonstrate that they are up to the challenge, with the unique submissions we receive.”

Dimension will award nine student winners either $2,500 or $1,000 or scholarships in the categories of Middle School and Secondary School Engineering, University Engineering, and Art & Architecture. Designs are awarded based on creativity, usefulness, part integrity and aesthetics. Instructors of the three first-place student winners will receive an Apple iPad for use in the classroom. Since the contest’s inception, more than $90,000 in scholarships have been awarded to students.

Each submission must be a sound mechanical design, be realistic and achievable, include a clear written description of the design.

This year’s contest will also feature an award category in which students may compete for a bonus prize. Students who incorporate a school spirit theme into their designs will have a chance to win a $250 gift card.

For more information, visit Stratasys Inc. and Dimension 3D Printing.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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