SofTech Announces ProductCenter PLM 9.3.0

Includes new platform support and extends streamlined interface.

Includes new platform support and extends streamlined interface.

By DE Editors

SofTech has released ProductCenter PLM version 9.3.0. “ProductCenter 9.3.0 extends its streamlined interface by allowing users to create their own custom-defined views of information,  essentially what you need where you need it. As with every release,  customer contributions enable us to deliver software and service solutions that help companies better manage, protect, collaborate and share product information in order to stay competitive within today’s global product lifecycle environment,” said Jay Pappas, ProductCenter product manager.

The new release also includes platform support for the following application integrations: Adobe FrameMaker 10; AutoCAD Electrical 2013;  AutoCAD Mechanical 2013; Autodesk Inventor 2013; Oracle AutoVue 20.2;  SofTech CADRA 20; CATIA V5 R21; NX 8; and SolidWorks 2013. The ProductCenter Inventor Integrator is an Autodesk Inventor Certified Application, and the ProductCenter SolidWorks Integrator is a SolidWorks Gold Partner Product.

For more information, visit SofTech.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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