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Snecma Standardizes on ANSYS Workbench

Global aircraft manufacturer selects ANSYS for product development.

Global aircraft manufacturer selects ANSYS for product development.

By DE Editors

French aerospace manufacturer Snecma plans to develop more innovative aircraft and rocket engine designs at a faster pace with its recent selection of software
from ANSYS.

Snecma is deploying ANSYS Workbench as its standard simulation environment to support a corporate-wide product initiative as it develops civil and military airplane engines, launch vehicles and satellites. The aerospace company plans to leverage the open architecture of the ANSYS Workbench framework, relying on the technology for all its computer-aided engineering solver interfaces and to reach an optimized design of Snecma products in terms of performance, cost and robustness.

“Snecma will realize the benefits that can be achieved by applying numerical simulation upstream in its product development processes. Through the use of ANSYS software, the organization can look into innovation as a best practice, while concurrently reducing time to market,” says Josh Fredberg, vice president, marketing at ANSYS.

For more information, visit ANSYS.

Sources:  Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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