Simulate Particle Trajectories

Particle evaluator can simulate electrostatic, magnetostatic, or combination of two.

Particle evaluator can simulate electrostatic, magnetostatic, or combination of two.

By DE Editors

Trajectory Evaluator Assistant 2.1 from Infolytica (Montreal,Que.) is a specialized application for simulating the trajectory of aparticle over time with models solved with 3D electrostatic ormagnetostatic solvers or with a combination of magnetic and electricfields. Functions include the ability to import particle definitionsfrom input files; the ability to remove the upper limit on the numberof particles entered, and the ability to disable the drawing of thetrajectory and/or the generation of graphs for less than 100 particles.

The Trajectory Evaluator program has a dialog interface, and is set upto run as a wizard, requesting input information from the user at eachstep before it is run. The program output includes a text output filelisting the position, velocity, and acceleration of the particle aftereach time step; a representation of the particle’s trajectory, drawnwithin the view of the model; or it can graph output of the position,velocity, and acceleration of the particle after each time step. Forelectrostatic models, an AC field can be simulated by specifying afrequency.

To obtain more information or to arrange a web demo of Trajectory Evaluator Assistant, contact Infolytica by clicking here.

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