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Siemens Ships 3D D-Cubed v 46.0

2D D-Cubed software components also available.

2D D-Cubed software components also available.

Siemens PLM Software announced the availability of version 46.0 of its 3D D-Cubed software components.

The 3D DCM offers extended functionality for analyzing over-defined models and improved performance in solving certain equations, the company says. A new reflection transform is now available in the HLM to enable repeated instances of parts to be repositioned in an efficient manner. Performance improvements have been made to the CDM’s algorithm for computing whether a part will collide with an assembly if moved in a given direction. The AEM benefits from improvements to general reliability.

Siemens also released Version 61.0 of the 2D D-Cubed software components. 2D DCM enhancements include support for uni-scalable sets, and new sketch enquiry functions, while PGM now provides applications with new point-in-loop testing.

For more information, visit Siemens PLM Software.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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