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Siemens & Rescale Partnership Brings NX Nastran On Demand to HPC Cloud

CAE is playing an increasingly critical role in the design process, but not every company has access to the kind of scalable computing horsepower needed to run complex FEA simulations

Sponsored ContentCAE is playing an increasingly critical role in the design process, but not every company has access to the kind of scalable computing horsepower needed to run complex FEA simulations and provide timely input during the design process.

Thanks to a partnership between Siemens PLM Software and Rescale, a cloud simulation platform provider, compute resources will no longer be a bottleneck. The industry leaders have teamed up to offer a joint solution that integrates on-demand, high-performance computing (HPC) hardware with NX Nastran, the leading FEA solver used by manufacturers in automotive, aerospace, machinery, energy and other industries.

auto body fea

The result is an on-demand, dynamically scalable cloud environment that offers NX Nastran through a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model. Engineering teams can easily customize HPC resources on an as-needed basis without having to invest in costly in-house IT infrastructure. Those companies with HPC infrastructure already in place gain the flexibility of easily augmenting their existing capabilities with additional HPC capacity on a pay-per-use basis to accommodate peak usage periods.

Improve Product Development

Access to easily scalable, pay-per-use Nastran simulation capabilities can be a game changer for product development efforts. The ability to easily dial up and scale back simulation horsepower lets engineering teams conduct more

thorough, and timely, design studies throughout all phases of the design cycle, increasing product quality and bolstering innovation efforts. For instance, large Design of Experiment (DoE), optimizations, and Monte Carlo simulations, which are out of reach for many companies, are now more accessible and affordable on the Rescale platform. A volume pricing model and the ability to simultaneously execute hundreds of individual runs for varying parameters across the design space, compared to the traditional sequential approach, creates a game-changing environment for large and small organizations.

Rescale’s intuitive platform and support for a wide range of HPC hardware also ensure companies provide flexibility and efficiency in solving diverse FEA applications. With NX Nastran running on the Rescale on-demand cloud platform, companies can pursue a hybrid model—sizing in-house simulation infrastructure and license counts for a normal workload and leveraging the cloud for more demanding computations. Alternatively, they can forgo an HPC infrastructure investment completely and run all NX Nastran simulations in the Rescale cloud environment with significant cost savings. Check out this video to see a demonstration of NX Nastran on the Rescale platform.

All Aboard HPC-Driven Simulation

Siemens PLM Software will be showcasing NX Nastran on the Rescale on-demand cloud simulation platform at its upcoming CAE & Test Symposium 2014, to be held October 22-23, aboard the Queen Mary in Long Beach, California. Formally known as the NX CAE Symposium, the gathering is home to two days of presentations, workshops, discussions, and networking events all focused on helping engineers, designers, and analysts gain valuable insights into Siemens’ NX CAE and LMS simulation portfolios.

Siemens PLM Software executives will be on hand to detail the company’s CAE roadmap and future direction. Prominent CAE customers like General Motors, Cummins, and Jet Propulsion Lab and many others will also present, providing valuable insights and best practices gleaned from their CAE implementations.

A new series of hands-on workshops will also be featured during the symposium. Headlining this part of the event will be a workshop that showcases NX Nastran running on the Rescale on-demand cloud environment, including the different simulation scenarios possible with the new offering.

To learn more about the CAE & Test Symposium 2014 and the new Rescale partnership, go to:

This content was sponsored by Siemens and Rescale.

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