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Siemens PLM Software Releases New Versions of Two D-Cubed Components

Version 58.0 of 2D DCM and PGM now available.

Version 58.0 of 2D DCM and PGM now available.

By DE Editors

Siemens PLM Software has released two of its D-Cubed component software products. Version 58.0 of the 2D Dimensional Constraint Manager (2D DCM) and Profile Geometry Manager (PGM)  contain new enhancements to improve function and performance.

Version 58 of 2D DCM, a software component that controls 2D parametric sketches in 2D and 3D design environments, introduces support for instances. Instances are copies of groups of geometries, such as profiles,  where each instance is constrained to have the same shape, and where there can be any separation and orientation between each instance.

2D DCM supports sketches that are overconstrained but consistent. It is common for designers to add such redundant constraints inadvertently, and providing these are consistent with existing constraints, the 2D DCM will permit them to be added without the solution being affected.

Since version 54, it has been possible to run multiple instances of the 2D DCM concurrently in different threads, although not every function could be associated with a particular instance. Version 58 improves support for multiple processing by removing this restriction and supporting the full range of 2D DCM functions across multiple instances.

The latest release of the D-Cubed PGM adds a range of productivity tools to the 2D environment in 2D or 3D design and manufacturing applications.

Version 58 supports a new edge geometry: copy curve. This is a copy of an advanced geometry type, such as a spline, parametric or offset curve. Previously, the PGM would only permit loops comprised of simple geometries such as linear and circular edges to be copied. Removing the restriction means that the PGM can now create copies of a loop that contains the full range of edge types.

Version 58 users can now instruct the PGM to return a persistent offset relationship between a base loop and its offset automatically as the offset loop is created. Previously, the PGM just created the offset loop geometry, trimming and capping edges as required. It was then necessary for the application to systematically add an offset relationship between pairs of base and offset edges if it wanted the offset relationship to be preserved, for example during subsequent dimension-driven modifications to the offset loop.

The new functionality further simplifies the integration of the PGM by software developers, particularly for applications that create offset loops with multiple offset distances, by reducing the number of steps that are required to create a persistent offset loop.

Link time code generation, also known as whole program optimization, is now the standard process used when compiling and linking DLLs for the latest Windows 64-bit platform.

For more information, visit Siemens PLM Software.

Sources:  Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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