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Siemens PLM Software Announces High Definition PLM Technology Framework

HD-PLM technology will permeate all of Siemens PLM Software's enterprise PLM products.

HD-PLM technology will permeate all of Siemens PLM Software's enterprise PLM products.

By DE Editors

Siemens PLM Software has announced the High Definition PLM (HD-PLM) technology framework, which it says will enable decision makers throughout the product lifecycle to make better informed decisions more efficiently and with a higher level of confidence.

Unveiled at The World Exposition Shanghai China 2010, HD-PLM will be designed to unite users with the people, tools, and product-related information they need to evaluate decision alternatives. The users’ experience—delivered through a variety of supported devices—will be personalized by actively placing them into the digital context appropriate to their role. HD-PLM will proactively assist users in collaborative decision making, according to the company, and information will be clarified and turned into knowledge through a visual presentation. HD-PLM will also help users validate decisions against company best practices appropriate for the task at hand.

The HD-PLM technology framework is designed to efficiently turn a massive, widely distributed and heterogeneous collection of data into knowledge, through a set of solutions that will permeate Siemens PLM Software’s suite of enterprise applications. These solutions are being designed to enhance decision making throughout the product lifecycle by taking users into the realm of advanced data interaction that applies meaning to data and presents information in a way that facilitates understanding.

HD-PLM is based on four basic tenets:

  1.   Personalize the users’ experience by recognizing who they are and actively presenting them with only the information they need to perform their tasks.
  2. Assist users proactively to make collaborative decisions,  by aggregating, analyzing, and monitoring information, notifying them when action is required and suggesting collaborators to aid in their decision making.
  3. Clarify the users’ understanding by presenting “rich”  information and enabling them to navigate to associated data from different disciplines and sources.
  4. Validate user decisions against best practices.

An HD-PLM enabled system will, for example, recognize a given user as not just a CAD operator, but also a powertrain engineer or airfoil designer and automatically personalize the workspace to put that individual in the right context for the tasks being performed. The system will then proactively assist the user in accomplishing tasks by informing him or her of issues to be addressed, seeking out pertinent information to consider and individuals to collaborate with based on the activity being performed. Throughout the process, the company says HD-PLM will help clarify information by presenting it in a visually intuitive way and making it easy to access further detail from a variety of disciplines.  Finally, through analytic techniques as well as evaluations based on domain, company, and industry best practices, decisions can be validated via available knowledge.

Siemens PLM Software says all of the pertinent information necessary to this process will be delivered to the right people regardless of location via a variety of supported devices, including smart phones and tablet computers.

“People have a fundamental need for a platform that creates an opportunity to collaborate and exchange information in order to reach intelligent decisions, and then to understand the impact of their decisions on other stakeholders,” says Joe Barkai, practice pirector, Product Lifecycle Strategies, IDC Manufacturing Insights. “The role of a better decision support system is to allow people to ‘see’ each other, either literally or virtually,  communicate effectively on a common platform and then optimize and harmonize their decisions to meet each other’s needs.”

Upcoming releases of NX software for digital product development, Teamcenter software for digital lifecycle management, and Tecnomatix software for digital manufacturing will establish a decision support environment throughout the product lifecycle and across the enterprise.

For more information, visit Siemens PLM Software.

Sources:  Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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