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Siemens PLM Releases Syncrofit Update

New functionality optimizes design of fastened airframe parts, reduces processing time by 40%.

New functionality optimizes design of fastened airframe parts, reduces processing time by 40%.

The latest release of Siemens PLM’s Syncrofit software introduces new fastener layout and part sizing functionality, which helps airframe engineers reduce the time to generate fastener patterns, perform initial part sizing, validate designs and adapt to subsequent design changes by as much as 40%, the company says.

Syncrofit 13 eliminates the need for manufacturing engineers to manually verify that the fasteners in an airframe structure are properly consumed according to plan and that the assembly meets design requirements, the company says. It also expands integration with Siemens’ Teamcenter portfolio.

The solution integrates Siemens’ Airframe Manufacturing Environment (AME) module into NX software. AME, which is also integrated with the CATIA software V5 CAD system, enables engineers to digitally define the changing state of parts as they progress through the various stages of airframe assembly.

For more information, visit Siemens PLM Software.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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