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Siemens to Buy TASS International

With the acquisition of TASS International, Siemens adds automated driving solutions to portfolio.

Siemens will acquire TASS International, a global provider of simulation software, plus engineering and test services aimed primarily at the automotive industry, and focused on autonomous driving, integrated safety, advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and tyre modeling. Based in Helmond, Netherlands, TASS International has developed solutions that will add to Siemens’ product lifecycle management (PLM) software portfolio.

TASS International is focused on automated driving solutions and integrated (active, passive) safety, primarily for the automotive industry. With its PreScan software, car manufacturers, suppliers and government agencies can simulate complex traffic scenarios and virtually validate automated driving solutions and advanced driver assistance systems, according to company officials. With its Madymo software for occupant safety modeling, TASS International can simulate the impact of a car crash on the human body. TASS International’s Delft-Tyre software provides highly accurate tyre models for vehicle dynamics and ride and handling simulations, the company adds.

TASS International’s simulation software will be combined with Siemens’ Simcenter portfolio of advanced simulation offerings, and its electronic design automation (EDA) solutions from the recently acquired Mentor Graphics organization. The combination is said to provide a  fully integrated solution to frontload the verification and validation of ADAS and autonomous driving systems.

Siemens will acquire 100 percent of the share capital of TASS International and integrate the business into its PLM Software Business Unit, which is part of its Digital Factory Division. TASS International has approximately 200 employees. Closing is expected in early September 2017. Both parties mutually agreed not to disclose the financial conditions of the acquisition.

For more info, visit Siemens and TASS International.

Sources: Press materials received from the company.

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