September 2006 - Readers Choice Award

By DE Editors

New NVIDIA Graphics Cards for Mobile Workstations

Readers’ Choce Award

High-perfonace cards for small packages.

NVIDIA (Santa Clara, CA) has announced three new NVIDIA Quadro FX graphics cards.
The NVIDIA Quadro FX 350M  graphics card is designed specifically for thin and light mobile workstations. The  NVIDIA Quadro FX 1500M, is a high-performance, detailed image entry, whereas the NVIDIA Quadro FX 2500M, which has 512MB of graphics memory, is designed  for enhanced performance. This new line of graphics solutions are incorporated in the M90 and M65 Dell Precision mobile workstations  (see David Cohn’s reviews in the June and July 2006 issues of DE).


NVIDIA Quadro FX mobile solutions offer the same features found in NVIDIA solutions for desktop-based professional workstations, including features like 12-bit sub-pixel precision and full 32-bit floating-point precision, as well as many other capabilities.

For more information on the new Quadro graphics solutions, visit NVIDIA. For complete details on the Dell Precision M90 and M65 mobile workstations, go to their landing page, click here.

The NVIDIA Quadro FX series of graphics cards received the most votes in our June 2006 issue. Vote for your favorite from the September issue on the last page of the Products section.

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