Scan and Inspection Programs Updated

Metris announces new releases of scanning and point cloud inspection software.

Metris announces new releases of scanning and point cloud inspection software.

By DE Editors

Metris (Leuven, BELGIUM) has released new versions of its laser scanning application and point-cloud-based inspection software.

Metris Scan 4.2 enables automation of the whole scanning process including the tuning of scanning parameters to the current material properties. Focus Inspection 8.2 offers more intelligent pre-processing of raw point cloud data, faster processing of large point clouds and meshes, and also includes additional inspection and reporting features. Focus Automation 2.1 ties scanning and processing together, enabling a fully automated process. 

Metris Scan is the data acquisition and point cloud pre-processing program for the Metris CMM-based laser scanner. It supports the LC15 and LC50, as well as the XC50 cross scanner in combination with most major CMM brands. The new version of Metris Scan 4.2 features a new routine for the automatic adjustment of the scanner parameters to the surface conditions of the actual test object, allowing the scanning programs to be independent of the material surface. This is of particular interest to those that inspect the same object in a variety of different colors and materials (i.e., the scanning of plastic covers of automotive appliances). This procedure can be included in automated macros, enabling fully automated scanning without user interaction.

According to a press release, Focus Inspection brings feature and full part-to-CAD inspection starting from point cloud data or meshes from CMM- or hand-based scanners, or hand-held scanning solutions like the Metris K-Scan or ModelMaker scanners. In line with the trend to perform a maximum of offline processing in order to maximize the availability of the CMM, Focus Inspection 8.2 now includes an extensive suite of tools to align, filter, smooth, and merge individual scans to result in high-quality data sets by removing redundant data points. Due to a new selection tool, the handling of larger point clouds and meshes has been accelerated and the selection of solid objects is optimized.

Focus Automation 2.1 enables the user to automate repetitive scanning and inspection tasks in Metris Scan and Focus Inspection. It also ties the scanning and inspection process together to form a fully automated process, from data collection including setting scanning parameters, up to the generation of the inspection report.

For more information, visit

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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