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Saffron Launches SaffronStreamline

The application is a product lifecycle intelligence solution that collects knowledge about issues and defects

Saffron, a cognitive computing platform for operational intelligence, has released SaffronStreamline. The application is a product lifecycle intelligence solution that collects knowledge about issues and defects throughout a product’s life. This, according to the company, helps manufacturers shorten time to market and manage potential risks.

SaffronStreamline helps integrate lifecycle management by offering manufacturers:

  • Learning from disconnected enterprise system data sources;
  • Finding similar issues, duplicates and shared causes for engineering resolution automatically;
  • Classifying business risk of issues and defects;
  • Unifying issues expertise.
“With the rapid growth of smart products containing embedded software, more manufacturers are becoming de facto software companies, even though software management is not their traditional area of expertise,” said Gayle Sheppard, CEO of Saffron. “SaffronStreamline helps customers resolve issues that arise from hardware, software or the fusion of the two by leveraging all relevant knowledge across disciplines and the enterprise. Now engineers can quickly determine duplicates or similar issues from the past and present and also find experts within their companies who share expertise in similar issues, skills and interests. Management can quickly assess where risks exist across the product lifecycle and rank priorities for resource allocation. SaffronStreamline delivers manufacturers the product lifecycle intelligence they need to swiftly identify and resolve quality and safety issues.”

For more information, visit Saffron.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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