RevWorks Goes to Version 6

Revware's latest release offers usability improvements and expanded tools.

Revware's latest release offers usability improvements and expanded tools.

By DE Editors

Revware, Inc. (Raleigh, NC) has announced RevWorks 6 vp1, the newestrelease of its feature-based reverse engineering application forSolidWorks. Enhancements to version 6 vp1 center on usability andextended functionality.

RevWorks provides a link between SolidWorks and your 3D digitizer orCMM and displays part data as well as features with your SolidWorksmodel in real time. Its MousePoints capability lets you create best-fitfeatures from points in your active drawing, according to the company.You can use previously collected points, points imported with the newRevWorks file import feature, and any SolidWorks point type to createfeatures directly, or you can incorporated those points in to the databeing collected.
The new RevWorks file import feature lets you import points from avariety of standard file formats, such as delimited point files,SolidWorks sldcrv files, and IGES point files, into SolidWorksdirectly.

Alternate datum planes have been added to AlignmentManager. Thisenables you to orient your part to the front, top, or right planes. Onthe subject of planes, you can create a plane perpendicular to aselected curve through a point that you digitize or select withMousePoints. You can also create a plane aligned with a selected axis,line, or edge; or create a plane that is parallel to the current modelview through a point that you digitize or select with MousePoints.

RevWorks 6 vp1 newly supports 3DCreator wireless digitizers fromRevXperts. Additionally, a new MicroScribe Calibration Wizard providesa way for you to probe checkouts to verify the quality of your probecalibrations. Miscellaneous features include a completely new GuruGuide to help you get started and better context help menus.

Revware is a SolidWorks Gold Partner. For more details on RevWorks 6 vp1, click here.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.


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