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Remcom Announces Expanded Consulting Offerings

Provides electromagnetic simulation expertise and resources.

Provides electromagnetic simulation expertise and resources.

By DE Editors

Remcom has expanded its consulting offerings for commercial and government organizations needing electromagnetic (EM) simulation resources. Remcom Consulting provides a combination of EM modeling experts, software developers, and high performance computational resources on a per-project basis. This service is designed to help organizations that need EM expertise but that do not have an ongoing need for EM simulation software.

Deliverables of Remcom Consulting include:

  • Inspection of the EM properties and characteristics of a device and subsequent design recommendations
  • Simulation results generated with Remcom’s suite of EM simulation products and high performance computing resources
  • Rapid, virtual prototyping of device performance prior to physical modeling
  • Development of new custom software
  • Assistance to government agencies and contractors in the development and enhancement of their software applications

“Remcom has provided engineering resources to customers for many years and has a long and successful history of solving challenging software problems for them; however, creating a more defined product offering demonstrates our commitment to providing an even wider range of solutions to the market,” says Michael Hicks, Remcom’s director of sales and customer service. “While our software products continue to be the core offering of our business, we realize that some customers only need EM testing and analysis for a short period of time or for a specific project. In those cases, we recommend Remcom Consulting as a cost-effective arrangement tailored to be as comprehensive — or as limited — as the customer wants.”

For more information, visit Remcom.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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