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QuickField FEA Software Available for 3D Models

New release introduces 3D extruded electrostatics.

New release introduces 3D extruded electrostatics.

The QuickField 6.0 finite element analysis software for multiphysical analysis of plane-parallel or axisymmetrical 2D models is now available, with 3D functionality.

The new release introduces 3D extruded electrostatics. A 3D geometric model may be created by conversion of an existent 2D plane-parallel model to 3D, or built from scratch in the QuickField preprocessor starting from planar sketch. In this version only electrostatic analysis is allowed for 3D extrusion models. Other types of analysis will be expanded to 3D in future releases.

Other new features include 3D Electrostatic analysis with piecewise constant isotropic electric permittivity varying by bodies; field sources include electric charge or charge density defined in any type of geometric entities: bodies, faces, edges, or vertices; and Dirichlet or Neumann boundary conditions can be applied to any of faces, edges, or vertices.

The release also allows for automatic 3D mesh generation controlled by mesh spacing values defined on a set of vertices. Properties and boundary conditions can be set by assigning labels to any geometric entity. The 3D View mode provides methods for 3D structures viewing and manipulating, including rotation, zoom and changing visibility of the model parts to see the objects hidden behind.

For more information, visit QuickField.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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