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PZFlex Expands Global Student Innovation Competition

Search widens for creative technology after inaugural winner publishes research.

Search widens for creative technology after inaugural winner publishes research.

By DE Editors

The PZFlex group of U.S. engineering firm Weidlinger Associates, Inc., based in Mountain View, CA, is accepting submissions for its Second Annual PZFlex Student Innovation Competition. Students are invited to submit a proposal for investigation of a technology using PZFlex, Weidlinger’s 3D virtual prototyping simulation software package.

The competition is intended to inspire novel uses for PZFlex in solving complex engineering problems. The winner will receive a personal Dell laptop computer, while the student’s academic institution will receive a year’s free license of PZFlex with which to conduct his or her research.

Entry forms can be downloaded here, and terms and conditions for this competition can be found here. The deadline for submissions is Monday, Jan. 31,  2011.

Proposals should be no longer than two pages (one page of text and one of supporting material) and addressed to [email protected] with “PZFlex Student Innovation Competition” in the subject line. 

The inaugural competition, which concluded in June 2009, was open only to students attending academic institutions that were PZFlex customers. This year Weidlinger is broadening its search to include students attending any college or university worldwide that is working with technologies supported by PZFlex.

For more information, visit Weidlinger Associates’ PZFlex site.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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