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PUMP-FLO Solutions Unveils New Product at Power-Gen 2010

New PUMP-FLO configuration software option revealed.

New PUMP-FLO configuration software option revealed.

By DE Editors

PUMP-FLO Solutions will display the next generation of its PUMP-FLO product line while exhibiting at the 2010 Power-Gen International Expo. Under the corporate owner Engineered Software, the PUMP-FLO Solutions brand will will give a sneak peak at its new PUMP-FLO Insight product. The annual exhibition begins December 14 and runs until December 16th. Engineered Software, Inc. will be exhibiting their entire product line at Booth 2162.

PUMP-FLO Insight is an integrated solution that offers PUMP-FLO’s pump selection tool as well as customizable configuration, pricing, and quoting capabilities. An interactive demo of the new configuration software will be shown, and trial subscriptions of the newly launched PUMP-FLO Premium service will also be offered.

PUMP-FLO Premium is a subscription-based service designed to meet the needs of pump users, specifying engineers, pump resellers, and manufacturers for sizing and selection, showing dynamic pump curves and aiding purchasers and suppliers in the quotation process. More than 80 pump manufacturers support the PUMP-FLO Premium program by making their pump performance catalogs available in electronic format. The program searches from more than 135,000 digitized pump curves.

For more information, visit PUMP-FLO Solutions.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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