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PUMP-FLO Solutions Announces PUMP-FLO Insight

New Product Configuration Software includes pump selection tool and configuration, pricing and quoting capabilities.

New Product Configuration Software includes pump selection tool and configuration, pricing and quoting capabilities.

By DE Editors

PUMP-FLO Solutions has released the next generation of its PUMP-FLO product line, PUMP-FLO Insight. PUMP-FLO Insight is an integrated solution offering PUMP-FLO’s pump selection tool, and fully customizable configuration, pricing, and quoting capabilities.

PUMP-FLO Insight provides a software tool that pump manufacturers, distributors, and operators can use from the preliminary stages of pump selection to the quote, sale and finally the support and maintenance tracking of their products. PUMP-FLO Insight is a web-based product that can reduce the time it takes to go from a customer’s initial request for a quote to product shipment.

The new PUMP-FLO Insight product leverages the Concept Enterprise Product Configurator from Configure One.

Insight enhances, and expands the functionality of PUMP-FLO,  allowing the user to select and configure the pump simultaneously and manage all documents associated with each quote and order generated. PUMP-FLO Insight allows users to save their configurations and search through existing quotes and related documents. It also offers enhanced reporting, data management,  performance, and scalability.

For more information, visit PUMP-FLO Solutions.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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