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PTC Releases PLM for Small Manufacturers

New PTC Windchill PDM Essentials released.

New PTC Windchill PDM Essentials released.

PTC announced PTC Windchill PDM Essentials, a product data management (PDM) solution for the small business market. The new offering, which will be sold exclusively through PTC’s channel partners worldwide, takes PTC’s enterprise-class PLM software and “right sizes” it for use by small manufacturers, the company says.

“Without doubt, small manufacturers have some of the same need for industrial-strength product data management tools as the big guys,” said Thane Hathaway, CEO EAC.  “That said, they don’t always have the same level of IT infrastructure to support such tools.  PTC Windchill PDM Essentials gives them just what they need to securely and efficiently share and manage product information.”

For more information, visit PTC.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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