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PTC Launches ThingWorx 8

ThingWorx 8 features enhanced platform capabilities, role-specific applications for engineering and manufacturing and a new collection of service offerings designed for Industrial IoT customers.

At LiveWorx 17 PTC debuted the newest version of its ThingWorx industrial Internet of Things (IoT) platform–ThingWorx 8. ThingWorx 8 features enhanced platform capabilities, role-specific applications for engineering and manufacturing, and a new collection of service offerings designed for industrial IoT customers and partners. ThingWorx 8 is expected to be commercially available on June 8, 2017.The ThingWorx Platform offers industrial connectivity, analytics, application enablement, orchestration and codeless AR experience authoring, according to the company.

More specifically, with ThingWorx 8, the ThingWorx Platform now offers native platform functionality such as industrial connectivity, anomaly detection and deeper cloud support for leading cloud providers.

In addition, ThingWorx Studio now supports native authoring and publishing of AR experiences for Microsoft HoloLens. ThingWorx Studio is a codeless authoring environment that enables content creators to quickly create, deploy and consume AR experiences.

Introducing Manufacturing Apps

In related news, PTC is introducing a lineup of apps for manufacturing that are said to be fast to deploy, offer role-based intelligence for proactive, faster decision making, allow for codeless app extensibility for continued innovation, and can be downloaded for free and deployed in production in under one hour, the company reports. The ThingWorx manufacturing apps consist of:

  • ThingWorx Controls Advisor–remotely monitor and troubleshoot machine connectivity.
  • ThingWorx Asset Advisor–remotely monitor physical assets in real-time, automatically detect anomalies and trigger alerts to improve efficiency and quality.
  • ThingWorx Production Advisor–provide real-time visibility and insight into production line performance and status.
Visit PTC for more info and read DE’s coverage of LiveWorx 2017.

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