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PTC Introduces PTC Mathcad Prime 3.0

Solution supports advanced engineering design calculations.

Solution supports advanced engineering design calculations.

PTC announced the availability of PTC Mathcad Prime 3.0, the latest version of its engineering calculation software designed for solving, analyzing and sharing engineering design knowledge. According to the company, the solution has significantly improved its calculation capabilities to allow more complex equations to be solved, faster. It offers hundreds of mathematical functions, the unlimited ability for users to define their own, the capability to solve equations both numerically and symbolically, and the power to solve the most complex systems of equations.

The update includes math in text, the ability to format math regions and ability to create new worksheets based on existing personal or company standardized templates, which helps support adherence to standards for calculations and documentation. Users can reuse existing algorithms already coded in C++, C, Fortran, etc., to extend capabilities beyond what is provided out-of-the-box. The Global Definition Operator provides the ability to define constants and parameters that can be used anywhere in the worksheet, and to define parameters close to the end result.

Users can now create a contour plot of a set of unordered 3D points leveraging a PTC Creo surface interpolation algorithm, and the new version offers a number of improvements to frequently used functionality (such as pasting images to headers/footers and overtyping equations) that can translate into increased efficiency.

The solution is integrated with PTC Creo and Windchill, allowing engineers to perform test analyses, optimize geometry parameters and perform verification and validation steps on final designs to confirm original customer requirements are met.

For more information, visit PTC.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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