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PTC Debuts Kinex, Latest Industrial IoT Apps Built on ThingWorx

The Kinex product family will be comprised of Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) applications.

PTC has launched the Kinex product family, a new brand that will consist of Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) applications. This new generation of IoT apps will enable companies to simplify their digital transformation and accelerate time to value, according to PTC.

Kinex role-based applications are designed to unify data from enterprise systems and the sensored physical world, and deliver user information and insight in context to enable users to improve decision making and performance, the company adds, noting also that the Kinex applications, built on the ThingWorx Industrial IoT platform, will enable users to change how products are designed, manufactured, serviced and experienced.

The first application branded under the Kinex product family is the Kinex Navigate application. Kinex Navigate allows users to access and use product data sourced from multiple systems of record in a role-based interface. Leveraged with PTC’s Windchill system for PLM, the Kinex Navigate app breaks down silos in the product lifecycle with simple and easy universal data access, the company says.

“Kinex role-based applications will enable customers to rapidly adopt and realize value from their digital transformation initiatives,” says Peter Vescuso, chief customer journey officer, PTC.

For information, visit PTC and ThingWorx.

Sources: Press materials received from the company.

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