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PROSTEP Embeds Heidelberg CAx Quality Manager

Will safeguard CAD data quality for automotive customers.

Will safeguard CAD data quality for automotive customers.

By DE Editors

PLM integration specialist PROSTEP is relying on software from Heidelberger Druckmaschinen to provide improved support for customers in the automotive industry.

PROSTEP intends to use the Heidelberg CAx Quality Manager, one of the tools developed by the company’s Engineering Consulting division for safeguarding CAD data quality, in its data exchange platform “This means improved data quality for our well over 200 customers worldwide,” said Josip Stjepandic, head of the 3D product creation business unit at PROSTEP. “We have developed a methodology that processes the native data from different CAD systems completely automatically, and at the same time also satisfies the quality requirements of automobile manufacturers who are currently making changes to their system landscape.”

The Heidelberg CAx Quality Manager has been fully integrated in and is now available to customers who use PROSTEP’s data exchange platform.

For more information, visit PROSTEP.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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