progeCAD 2006 Pro Opens DWG Files Created in Autodesk

Professional offers support for opening drawings created in Mechanical Desktop.

Professional offers support for opening drawings created in Mechanical Desktop.

By DE Editors

At the IntelliCAD World Meeting, progeSOFT (Como, Italy) announced an update to the progeSOFT Version of IntelliCAD. progeCAD 2006 Professional now features support for opening DWG files created in Autodesk Architectural Desktop and Autodesk Mechanical Desktop.

This new functionality will allow design teams to continue working even if the original drawing was created with an AutoCAD based vertical product.

In addition, designers will also be able to snap to objects located in viewports while in Paper Space mode. This allows the user to draw objects in Paper Space a specified distance from a feature of an object within the model space of the drawing, like an endpoint of a line, the intersection of two lines, or the center of a circle.

The company notes that there are many other fixes to the software also included in this release.

For more information, visit

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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