Printing the 3D Landscape

3D Creation Lab Offers Customized 3D Physical Models of any Place on Earth

3D Creation Lab Offers Customized 3D Physical Models of any Place on Earth

By DE Editors

Using a combination of digital satellite imagery, software, and the latest in color 3D printing technology, 3D Creation Lab can supply 3D physical models of any landscape on the planet via its website allows patrons to select and customize their landscape of choice and confirm payment terms. Models are available in a range of sizes: 120 mm2; 150 mm2; 200 mm2; and 250 mm2. Once the online process has been completed, the file is sent to 3D Creation Lab and printed as a full-color model on a ZCorp 3D printer. The model is subsequently shipped to the customer. 

To date, this service has only been available in the US from, but thanks to 3D Creation Lab it is now available to anyone in the UK.

The website is live and available to UK customers. 

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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