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Pointwise Presents a Webinar on Structured Meshes for Axial Pumps

Free webinar takes place Sept. 15.

Free webinar takes place Sept. 15.

By DE Editors

Creating quick, high-quality structured meshes for axial pumps will be the topic of a free 45-minute webinar presented by Pointwise,  Inc., at 11 a.m. CDT on Sept. 15. Chris Sideroff, sales engineer, will explain how to reduce the time needed for high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation of turbomachinery.

Among the techniques demonstrated during the webinar are:

  • How to stop using block topology as a crutch and to use smoothing techniques to achieve high quality.
  • How to prevent erroneous or incomplete geometries from slowing mesh generation.
  • How to set aside the fear of fillets and create structured topologies to handle them
  • How to reduce solver setup time by applying volume and boundary conditions for your solver.

The session will include the opportunity to ask questions using instant messaging, with an oral discussion at the end of the presentation.

Questions will be answered by Nick Wyman, director of applied research at Pointwise. Richard Matus, vice president of sales and marketing, will host the webinar.

To register, visit Pointwise.

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