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Parasolid V26.0 Supports Rapid PLM Development

Enhancements include modeling, blending, sheet modeling and support collateral.

Enhancements include modeling, blending, sheet modeling and support collateral.

Siemens PLM Software’s Parasolid version 26.0 includes enhancements in a wide variety of areas with a special focus on providing high-level functionality to support rapid development of sophisticated PLM applications, the company says.

Enhancements have been made to the handling of matched topology in local and global Booleans. Parasolid now provides fully-automatic matching of nearly coincident regions between the target and tool bodies. The application can specify a tolerance bound for the coincidence test or Parasolid can select a suitable value. A body can now be created by sweeping a tool body, locked in a defined orientation, along a 3D path.

Edge blends can now be created with the requirement that they are curvature continuous with their underlying surfaces. Enhancements have also been added to resolve self intersections in G2 face blends.

When creating a surface to fill a hole, the usual G2 requirement may be relaxed in areas where the existing geometry makes it impossible to fit a G2 surface. This is a common case when importing data from other systems, according to the company.

Several enhancements have been made to Parasolid’s support collateral to help improve developer efficiency. These include additional C++ code examples and extensive revision of the Workshop.Net Source Code Overview documentation.

For more information, visit Siemens PLM Software.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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