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Oracle Updates Agile PLM and PLM for Process

Includes new product quality management module for process customers.

Includes new product quality management module for process customers.

Oracle announced new releases of the company’s Agile Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) and Agile PLM for Process.

Agile PLM 9.3.2 enhances usability and streamlines processes, while also introducing a range of new features within Agile PLM modules including Oracle’s Agile Product Governance and Compliance, Agile Product Cost Management, and Agile Product Quality Management.

Delivering additional PLM capabilities designed specifically for companies in process industries, Oracle Agile PLM for Process release 6.1.1 offers improvements in the areas of formula modeling and compliance and also introduces a new module, Agile Product Quality Management (PQM) for Process. The new module makes quality information and issues visible to all stakeholders within an organization by providing a collaborative environment to aggregate and track information related to product quality within the product record.

Agile PLM includes a new compliance engine that enhances Oracle’s Design for REACH capability and provides support for the new Conflict Mineral regulation within the Dodd “Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. New workflow related features eliminate the need for process extensions by improving the management of the typical approval matrix needs of customers.

Product Cost Management (PCM) and PQM improvements include an option for RFQ responses and improved automation when interacting with PCM. In addition, to enhance PQM the latest release adds the QCR table to supplier and customer objects.

Enhancements in the latest release of Agile PLM for Process include a number of improvements to formula modeling and compliance such as extensions to allow real time visibility of key metrics in a formula model and functional tagging to aid in regulatory and quality analysis of a design.

“One of the most complex challenges that organizations of all sizes and types face is how to innovate profitably,” said John Kelley, vice president of product value chain strategy, Oracle. “With the enhancements to Oracle’s Agile PLM and Oracle’s Agile PLM for Process as well as the introduction of innovative new modules like Oracle’s Agile PQM for Process, Oracle is able to help organizations further shorten cycle times, increase sales, lower costs and reduce risks associated with innovation. This combination helps organizations cost-effectively reach their innovation goals.”

For more information, visit Oracle.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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