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OpenFOAM Introductory Courses Announced

Two-day courses scheduled for Chicago, Mainz and Gothenburg.

Two-day courses scheduled for Chicago, Mainz and Gothenburg.

By DE Editors

Professor Hrvoje Jasak, one of the main authors of the OpenFOAM library, is runs his own company providing support for OpenFOAM users.

Over two days, attendees will be introduced to OpenFOAM as a general-purpose CFDsolver for standard fluid flow applications. This will be followed by an overview of solver capabilities and an in-depth look into the structure and organization of Computational Continuum Mechanics library, which is the base of all OpenFOAM solvers. The final session is dedicated to user extensions of library capability, including custom material models,  user-defined boundary conditions and custom top-level solvers.

The course locations and dates include:

  • March 3-4 in Chicago at the IBM Innovation Center
  • March 16-17 in Mainz, Germany, at the IBM Storage Competence Centre
  • May 405 in Gothenburg, Sweden, at the Gompute User Meeting 2011

For more information and to register, visit Gompute.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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