NIMS Partners with OMIC to Develop Metrology Standards and Certification

The skills and certification metrics will be defined by compiling and comparing available metrology reference material, such as job descriptions, occupational duties and performance requirements.

The skills and certification metrics will be defined by compiling and comparing available metrology reference material, such as job descriptions, occupational duties and performance requirements.

Image courtesy of National Institute for Metalworking Skills.

The National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS) and the Oregon Manufacturing Innovation Center—Research & Development (OMIC R&D) have partnered to define a set of metrology standards and to develop a metrology certification process. 

“NIMS is proud to work with OMIC R&D to provide a benchmark for competency within the Metrology field,” says Montez King, executive director of NIMS. These standards and the certification process will allow students, employees, and trainers to identify the skills required in high-demand quality control occupations.”

“An often underappreciated but critical part of manufacturing is the ability to measure,” says Craig Campbell, executive director of the Oregon Manufacturing Innovation Center—Research and Development. “This is especially important in metals manufacturing where failure to measure not only the end product, but throughout the machining process can result in products that do not meet specifications resulting in substantial waste in time, labor, and material. This partnership with NIMS will provide a clear standard for training in dimensional measurement that industry can rely on.”

The skills and certification metrics will be defined by compiling and comparing available metrology reference material, such as job descriptions, occupational duties and performance requirements. Once this is completed, companies and educational organizations will be recruited to pilot the credentials. NIMS will collect feedback and work with OMIC to finalize all certification questions and standards.

NIMS has been developing manufacturing standards and certifications since its founding in 1995. Created to develop and maintain a competitive workforce within the US, NIMS enables collaboration among educational institutes, manufacturers, and government agencies by providing targets against which all manufacturing workers can compare themselves. 

Modeled after The University of Sheffield Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre at University of Sheffield with Boeing in Sheffield, England, OMIC R&D is dedicated to finding new manufacturing techniques and technologies in support of metals manufacturing. OMIC R&D’s mission is to further manufacturing capabilities and to educate and inspire the new generation entering the workforce. 

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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