NIKA Launches Fully Integrated Software for PRO/ENGINEER WILDFIRE

EFD.Pro 7 enables users to create designs and then immediately analyze and optimize them.

EFD.Pro 7 enables users to create designs and then immediately analyze and optimize them.

By DE Editors

NIKA GmbH(Frankfurt, Germany), a provider of fluid flow and heat transfersimulation software for engineers, just recently unveiled EFD.Pro 7.EFD.Pro is fully embedded in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire and enables users tocreate designs with Pro/ENGINEER and then immediately analyze andoptimize them.

EFD.Pro offers analysis of compressible and incompressible liquids andgases, laminar and turbulent flows, heat transfer and species transportfor steady-state and transient flow regimes as well as other physicalmodels. The latest release of EFD.Pro features expanded simulationcapabilities, improved mesh generation technology, and broadenedvisualization capabilities.

The addition of new physical modeling capabilities will offer enhancedsimulation of “reality”. For example, a new model considers valve orpump cavitation effects thus helping engineers to localize andeliminate this often unwanted phenomena earlier during the designcycle. Also, a new compact model for thermoelectric coolers (TECs)helps to efficiently optimize sophisticated thermal management conceptsfor electronic designs. Lastly, EFD.Pro offers a new model forconsidering environmental temperature and humidity simulations.

Version 7 now offers an even more efficient Rectangular Adaptive Meshtechnology. The new algorithm meshes complex CAD geometries involving alarge number of very thin structures. Using this technology, users canmesh even the most complex CAD models on the desktop. The company says,for example, that simulations in the areas of electronics cooling, heatexchangers or HVAC will experience a reduction in computation time by afactor of up to 10 using the new meshing technology.

EFD.Pro 7 also features a new flexible tool to animate simulationresults. Cut Plots, Flow Trajectories, or Isosurfaces as well as CADparts and assemblies can now be animated simultaneously and saved in anAVI format. The program arranges all object movements and positions ofthe virtual camera over a timeline. The resulting animation can then beused to gain insight into the model behavior and communicate designideas.

EFD.Pro 7 is available for immediate shipment.  To find out more, visit

Sources: Press materials received from the company. Additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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