New Version of Sculptor Means Simple Reshaping of CFD Models

Optimal Solutions improves redesign tool to find optimal flow.

Optimal Solutions improves redesign tool to find optimal flow.

By DE Editors

Sculptor Version 1.7.2 from Optimal Solutions(Idaho Falls, ID) is more robust than previous versions and boastsincreased functionality. Developers say users of the new version willbe able to quantify their mesh quality and define geometry constraintsfaster.

New features include the ability to now perform element qualityanalysis on CFD mesh files. It gives the user the ability to determinewhether deformations have significantly altered mesh quality.Unacceptable deformations will be avoided since cell’s volume, skew,aspect ratio, etc., is calculated. Another feature gives Sculptor theability to read in STL files to define geometric bounds. The surface ofthe surrounding parts is modeled by a faceted surface in the STL fileand the software determines the minimum distance between the CFDanalysis grid and the constraint surfaces and detects if a collision isimminent.

Other features include the ability to import and export ICEM-CFD files,the management of licenses of the software, an enhanced interface toNastran files, a complete Star CD translator, a parametric scalefunction, rotation about an arbitrary axis, and several maintenanceupgrades.

Because of growing demand, the Optimal Solutions development team hasbegun additional upgrades. Upcoming versions will incorporate animproved graphical user interface, CAD-like features will improve thecreation and modification of ASD volumes, grid point maneuverability,and more.

Optimal Solutions is currently developing the ability to transport aformed mesh model from Sculptor back to the CAD model technology. Sofar, the designer can export the surface mesh via an STL file, whichcan then be read back into the native CAD software where nurbs surfacescan then be defined. Future developments are expected to include theabilities to export the surface mesh via IGES and STEP files, anddirectly deform the CAD model. The user will then be able to apply thearbitrary deformation directly to the nurbs in the original CAD model.

For more information, visit


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