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New Materials Information Application for PLM

Granta provides access to materials data and tools, guiding materials and processing decisions from within Teamcenter.

Granta provides access to materials data and tools, guiding materials and processing decisions from within Teamcenter.

Granta Design has released a new materials application for Teamcenter. The GRANTA MI materials information software can be used with the application via the company’s GRANTA MI:Materials Gateway for Teamcenter technology.

The company also released GRANTA MI:Materials Gateways for Abaqus/CAE and ANSYS Workbench. These applications provide direct access to validated materials models for CAE. Simulation engineers can quickly search and review available materials, determine supported materials models, and use these directly in their CAE environment. This helps ensure consistent results from CAE, even when different design and simulation groups are collaborating across the enterprise.

For more information, visit Granta Design Limited.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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